Sol Pro Bassmasters

Sol Pro Bassmasters
Bass Fishing Club of Kansas City
Willie Tallie Jr.
2024 Angler of the Year
2024 Club Champion
2024 Super Boat Champion

All About Sol Pro Bassmasters
A Unique Fishing Club
Sol Pro Bassmasters started in 1978 with just a few people coming together to do what they love. Little did they know that it would grow into the longest-existing minority organization in the United States.
A minority fishing fraternity founded by Ronald Russell KCPD finest in 1978 and still in existence to date. Russell started this organization to teach minorities and inter-city youth the skills of competitive fishing.
Sol' Pro is chartered by the state and is known to be the longest-existing minority organization in the United States.
Sol' Pro is a non-profit/self-supporting organization active in the community. Russell's organization sponsors free annual fishing derbies for our youth and we supply all bait, tackle, food, and trophies at our club members' and sponsors' expense.
Our dedicated members enjoy meeting often for different events and activities. Passion and enthusiasm go hand-in-hand with everything we do.
Our door is always open to new members, no matter their experience level. We are proud to bring together people from all over Kansas City and beyond. Come join us at our next event — we’d love to share all that Sol Pro Bassmasters has to offer.